Explore Wisconsinbly with Christopher DeAngelo Gilbert: Brady St. Festival

Published On: August 25, 2023

Host Christopher DeAngelo Gilbert visits Milwaukee’s east side for the annual Brady Street Festival. He chats with Executive Director Rachel Taylor about the festival’s storied history and checks out a few of the unique vendors and stages — shows his love to the people and of course does some dancing.

About Brady St. Festival

Milwaukee was not left out of the hippie counterculture that began in the 1960s. Brady Street became a smaller version of San Francisco’s “Haight-Ashbury” District. Out of this counterculture came the annual Brady Street Festival. While the first one was rained out in June 1973, the attendance boomed in 1974 with nearly 20,000 attendees. Eventually, the hippies of the area moved into the Riverwest area.

Vendors mentioned:
Romero’s Taco Truck 
Say Cheese Curd Company
Juniors Smoked BBQ
Hands of Henna by Anita 

Video presented by Visit Milwaukee

If you are interested in any of the Drink Wisconsinbly merchandise seen in this video, visit drinkwi.com.