Wisconsin Forecast Calls for Snowy Owls

"Hey, look! A snowy owl! I read about them in the Drink Wisconsinbly Week in Review!"

Published On: January 3, 2025

The Drink Wisconsinbly Department of Bird Watching has been monitoring the snowy owl movements throughout the state and is reporting increased activity this winter.

Our sources at the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources have recorded 60 sightings within our borders as of December 17th, up from three at the same time the previous year.

As you may have guessed, snowy owls prefer to do their owl stuff closer to the treeless tundra of the Arctic Circle. Come winter, some will hang around there while others head south to Canada and the northern United States, with a few smart enough to explore all that Wisconsin has to offer.

Occasionally, there is a bump in numbers, which is called an “interruption.” The bird scientists aren’t sure what causes the increased activity but suspect it involves the search for that sweet, sweet rodent meat that snowy owls love.

If you’re keen on seeing a snowy owl for yourself, the best places to spot them are close to the Great Lakes since the shoreline and harbors provide the best roosting and feeding opportunities. However, photographers captured a female in New Glarus on Wednesday.

If you do encounter one, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service offers this advice to keep the vibes between you and the visiting owl going: You should maintain a respectful distance, move slowly, and keep your voice down, no matter how badly you want to shout, “Hey, look! A snowy owl! I read about them in the Drink Wisconsinbly Week in Review!”

Good luck, bird watchers.